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How to prepare your e-shop for Black Friday in just two weeks?

Paskutinės minutės e. parduotuvės paruošimas Juodąjam penktadieniui.
Is Black Friday sneaking up on you this year? Don't stress – we've got your back! Even if you're just now realising the big day is almost here, it's not too late to make this Black Friday your best ever! Let's walk through a few quick tips to get your online shop up and running for the biggest shopping day of the year.

Make your offer stand out

Black Friday only comes once a year, and many shoppers expect jaw-dropping discounts.

Come up with something that really pops, like double-digit discounts. Make an offer they can't refuse!

If you can't afford that – there are other ways to make your offer more exciting. Offer a bonus freebie when they buy certain items or bundles. A little something extra goes a long way!

Decide how you will attract returning customers

We know it's called Black Friday, but all the cool businesses are extending the deals for a few days – or even the whole week! And you should too.

Keep customers coming back by splitting up deals over multiple days. For example, smartphones on Thursday, TVs on Friday, and headphones on Saturday.

Another idea you can surely still implement for your business – coupons. When customers make a purchase, you can reward them with discount coupons to use after Black Friday. This way, you will not only sell more, but also potentially expand your loyal customer base.

Kaip pritraukti naujus klientus per Juodąjį penktadienį.

Ensure your e-shop functionality

There's nothing worse than losing a sale because your site crashes or the checkout is confusing. Especially when you are expecting higher-than-usual traffic. Although time is running out, we believe you still can secure a seamless experience for your customers.

Don't forget to inform your tech team members – you can mention the points below for them to pay attention to.

Simple and clear page structure

Try putting yourself in your customers’ shoes as you navigate your page. Is the layout appealing and is it easy to find the product you're interested in? We suggest neatly putting all Black Friday deals on one page. A minimalist page will save both your and your customers’ time.

Adaptation for smartphones

Make sure the buttons and page layout are user-friendly and adapted to the smartphone screen.

Payment system functionality

When you're this close to making sales – it would be extremely disappointing if you couldn't technically collect payments, so be sure to double-check:

  • Can you offer customers different payment methods? And do they all work?
  • Can customers pay in different currencies?
  • Are all payment system updates installed?

If you don't yet have a payment processing system or aren't confident that your current one can handle Black Friday – we suggest trying out the time-tested Paysera Checkout, valued by over 13,000 e-shops. Give it a try!!

Clear display of discounts on the page

It may seem like a minor detail, but a clear layout of discounts will help shoppers navigate more easily. Very clearly indicate what the previous price was, what the price is with the discount applied, and the percentage of the discount.

Get ready to avoid abandoned carts

Recent (2021) data shows that almost 70% of shoppers abandon their carts. This number has been rising since 2014. This means e-shops find it increasingly difficult to convert website visitors into customers.

Some time ago we shared expert advice on how to avoid cart abandonment, but to make it short we will now mention only one solution – emails.

If possible, make sure customers who don't complete their purchase receive an automatic email. Needless to say, this email should be very carefully and persuasively written, perhaps even with an additional offer if you can provide one.

Kaip išvengti krepšelio atsisakymo e.parduotuvėje?

Offer buyers the option to pay by financing or instalments

Not all shoppers can afford to pay for your products upfront, but many understand that the special deals you offer don't come around every day. This puts them into a stressful situation – to buy or not to buy?

To make the decision easier for your customers, offer them an alternative – financing, or the option to pay in instalments.

Go over everything one more time

So, you have the offer, everything is neatly organised and prepared in your e-shop. But is everything working flawlessly? Are you sure you didn’t accidentally add an extra zero to the coupon?

Caution will not only save you embarrassment but also help avoid unpleasant situations, so go over your offer one more time – check the typos, presentation, design, terms and conditions, and offer discounts.

Also, don't forget to test your website's functionality – put yourself in the shoppers’ shoes and follow every step. Even try those steps that are less likely – it certainly won't hurt!

Teisingas ir aiškus Juodojo penktadienio pasiūlymo pateikimas.

Don't forget about promotion

No matter how great your Black Friday offer is, it will have zero impact if people don't know it exists. You can promote your offers in two ways – organically and with paid ads.

Organic ways to promote Black Friday offers

By email. If you have a subscriber list that agrees to receive news about special offers and discounts – take advantage of it. We recommend creating a sense of urgency – you could even add a countdown timer showing the final days or hours of the offer.

On social media. If you have a follower base on social media – share posts and stories. Ask your friends, colleagues, family members, and acquaintances to share these posts to reach more customers. Also, don't forget to mention your offers in your business profile and other relevant spaces.

By blog posts. Many people search for information, including gift ideas for Black Friday, on Google, so expert articles on your blog will help customers find you.

Paid ways to promote Black Friday offers

If you can invest in paid advertising, you can showcase a specific offer on social media, Google, or other websites' ads where you can reach more people.

You also still have time to contact and try to arrange advertising by influencers whose audience matches your potential customer profile.

Juodojo penktadienio pasiūlymas per skaitmenines reklamas.

Ensure high-quality customer service

Once your offer generates interest – it would be odd if no customers had any questions. It's not too late to prepare for this, and the best way to do so is to prepare answers to frequently asked questions and try to anticipate what customers might find confusing.

Well, and of course, expedite response times as much as possible, if you can.

Ready to get started?

Now it's just a matter of putting everything into action. We have no doubt you'll succeed. Let's make some sales!

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